Thursday, September 22, 2011

Would I Have It Any Other Way?

There are times when discouragement sets in. Frustrated because of the limited space one operates in, he gets choked by what he perceives as a continuing want. He begins to notice that everyone had ran past him, leaving him to ask if it was complacency or the absence of freedom, like those enjoyed by others, caused his timid pace. All the unanswered questions breaks him.

But in the middle of his distress, he turns to see his sleeping daughter and begins to ask.

Would he really choose personal freedom over her? Would all the synonyms of success come close to the 7-letter name of his child?

Would he rather be that father busy building his empire or would he, instead, choose to be present and available for every little victory she achieves, be awed by another original and built-up-from-scratch art project, listen to each story she wants to share?

Would he rather spend the day in the company of people he views as artists, endlessly indulging with them in hope that what he learns will give him the empowerment he seeks? Or would he prefer hearing his daughter read him a story?

Would he chase every opportunity that will bring him esteemed stature among his peers or would instead choose immersing on the experience of living and laughing with his child?

Would he aim at working to have all that his heart desires or would he settle for what is basic because the endless pursuit of want may take him and his time away from her?

Would he rather have the personal space to pursue his passions in exchange for the chance to witness his child's journey from leukemia to recovery?

Would he have it any other way?

Nothing can be as eternally precious as this child, he remembers.

Joy flows and he begins to smile.