Thursday, September 3, 2009


I started a blog last night.

Though I thought I have covered all the bases, read and re read my piece maybe over a dozen times, chose the appropriate theme, I still ended up forgetting the reason why this blog was started on the first place: for people to read. And so the setting I need to do, which is to allow comments for my work, I overlooked.

This reminds me of an old story of a wife who in the middle of their night-out suddenly remembered that in her haste has forgotten to turn the iron off. Stricken with panic, she demanded they cut the dinner short and head home right away. In a rather cool demeanor, the husband assured the wife not to worry for he also failed to close the tub faucet.

Ancient (since newer flat irons shut themselves off automatically) and corny this story may be, it highlight's one important but quickly forgotten truth: in our hurry, we often miss out on what is essential. 

And often, we do. 

I did. Well, nearly.....

Not so long ago, marriage was not a part of the picture I was trying to paint. There was so much going on in the world and I wouldn't miss it. I was in deep reverie when my mother finally asked the defining question: "Who will take care of you, son, when I am gone? Without a wife, who will?" Scary...!

And so at 40, considered old to many, I finally settled down. Three years later, God gave me Carmella. And even with this journey we are currently going through with her, I will always consider my self blessed. I already have what is essential. 

Yes, in my hurry, I nearly missed the love of family. And so I will be forever thankful to Mama for her scare tactics.