I just do not get it.
Most people I know, after a stressful day at work, would still turn on the local evening news. More stress to get over the initial stress?
Here in the Philppines, evening news is synonymous to bad news. For some unexplained reason, news will not be news if it isn't bad. Is it because bad is enlightening?
And the evening news will always be followed by soap operas dwelling on more bad news: intrigues, oppression, victimization, corruption, rape, scandal and all other negatives one can think of. Is it because bad sells?
Still people stay tuned.
Does all this suggest that seeing people worse off than ourselves makes for a relaxing situation? That they are the one in a fix and not us should make us feel better? That the resounding misery around us qualifies for entertainment?
So what does all this make of us?
Anne Murray once did a song titled "A Little Good News". Utopian? Maybe.
But all this bad news on TV sure makes for more wishing.
Photo Credit: CarbonNYC@Flickr